Spapp Monitoring for:



How to disable inbuilt task killers of SPAPP Monitoring on a Huawei device

Huawei devices are compatible with SPAPP Monitoring - Spy App for Mobile Phone as any other Android devices up to the last Android version (11, including). As on other models on Huawei devices are few inbuilt task killers steps to be done in order make sure SPAPP Monitoring - Phone Tracker is working smoothly.

All task killers steps are related to device's settings and to the Optimizer app. Related to Optimizer app you must disable some Optimizer general settings, Cleanup and Virus scan settings. We remind you that SPAPP Monitoring - Spy App is not a virus but because of its specific (it extract a lot of data and is working in background) it is identified as a virus by antivirus apps. In the device's settings you must disable Power consumption alert and the automatic management of App launch, enable Startup manager and Stay connected when device sleeps options.

These steps are for Android 10 Huawei/Honor devices but some of them are found as well in Android 8 and 9 Huawei/Honor devices.

Step-by-step guide to disable inbuilt task killers on Huawei/Honor devices:

Optimizer app steps:
1. Go to Optimizer -> Tap on the right upper corner Settings menu icon -> Uncheck for Smart Tune-up and Auto-clean junk files. After tap on Auto-update cleanup database and select Never. Now tap on Online virus scan and select Never.
2. Go to Optimizer -> select Cleanup -> select Junk files -> select Internal storage -> select Backup -> select Ignore and check Don't remind me again
3. Go to Optimizer -> select Virus Scan -> select Check if you see there is our app Backup as a threat. Normally it shouldn't be detected anymore as you selected to not scan it anymore. If this is still showing as a threat then please check if you did steps from 1.

Disable Power consumption alert and disable manage automatically for App launch:
Go to Settings -> select Apps & notifications -> select Apps -> select Backup -> select Power usage details -> select Power consumption alert and Turn OFF.
After it select App launch -> go to Manage automatically and Turn OFF.
After it tap on OK in order to save the new settings.

Enable Startup manager:
Go to Settings -> select All -> select Startup manager -> Find Backup or SPAPP Monitoring and switch ON.

Enable Stay connected when device sleeps:
Go to target device’s Settings -> select Battery > Tap on the Settings icon -> select Stay connected when device sleeps option -> Turn ON .

When exactly to do the task killers steps on Huawei/Honor devices

Normally the task killers steps are to be done immediately after the install of SPAPP Monitoring - Spy App for Android is done. However, on upper Android Huawei/Honor devices it is recommended to follow these steps during the install.

Follow the install guide and after you allow all the permissions (the last one is to allow background activity of SPAPP Monitoring) you'll be on the SPAPP Monitoring's menu interface. Now is the moment to tap on the home icon and to follow the task killers steps. After you do ALL task killers steps, the SPAPP Monitoring - Phone Monitoring icon will still be on the home screen under the name of SPAPP Monitoring, NOT Backup as the app is normally on the device. That means the app is not installed until the end and you need to continue the install process, so tap on the SPAPP Monitoring app icon and continue the install as in the install guide. The guide is valid for Android 8, 9, 10 and 11 devices.

However, if your Huawei/Honor device has some essential differences, please contact us at [email protected] and we'll help you as soon as possible.


It is a very good program, I am very satisfied with it.


Hi, Thank you for your kind words.

Charles charly

Hi,my phone is HUAWEI Y6 pro how can I get these steps to install


Hi, We are sorry, we can not provide install steps for each device. This tutorial should also work for your phone. THe most important step is Startup manager


HUAWEI P20 lité


Hi, Did you follow these steps for a HUAWEI P20 lité device? In general the steps should be the same but depending on your Android version there may some small differences. Thanks


How frequently should I revisit the task killer settings on my Huawei device to ensure Spapp Monitoring's continuous operation?


It's advisable to revisit and verify the task killer settings on your Huawei device periodically, especially after system updates or changes, to maintain uninterrupted monitoring with Spapp Monitoring.


Can disabling Huawei's task killers affect the overall performance and responsiveness of my device?


Disabling Huawei's task killers primarily safeguards the operation of Spapp Monitoring and is not known to significantly impact the overall performance or responsiveness of your device.


Can Spapp Monitoring guide users through the process of disabling Huawei's task killers with step-by-step instructions?


While Spapp Monitoring may offer general guidance, specific step-by-step instructions for disabling Huawei's task killers are often best obtained through Huawei's official support channels or documentation.


Can I exclude specific apps from Huawei's task killers while enabling Spapp Monitoring?


Yes, Huawei's task killer settings usually allow you to specify which apps to exclude from background termination. This feature enables you to prioritize essential processes like Spapp Monitoring.


Can disabling Huawei's task killers be done permanently, or does it need to be periodically checked?


Disabling Huawei's task killers for Spapp Monitoring should be periodically checked, especially after system updates or changes, to ensure that the app continues to operate effectively.


Is there any particular time or circumstance when I should disable Huawei's task killers for Spapp Monitoring?


It's advisable to disable Huawei's task killers for Spapp Monitoring when initially setting up the app and to periodically check the settings to ensure continuous monitoring operation.


Can Spapp Monitoring provide technical support for Huawei-specific issues related to task killers?


While Spapp Monitoring may offer general guidance, it is advisable to seek technical support from Huawei or refer to their official resources for device-specific issues related to task killers.


Can Huawei's task killers affect the operation of Spapp Monitoring even when the device is in standby mode or not actively in use?


Yes, Huawei's task killers can impact Spapp Monitoring in standby mode by terminating background monitoring processes. Disabling task killers ensures continuous operation even when the device is not actively used.


Can Spapp Monitoring offer guidance or instructions specific to Huawei devices on disabling task killers?


Spapp Monitoring may provide general guidance on disabling task killers for Huawei devices, but users should refer to Huawei's official documentation or support resources for detailed instructions specific to their devices.


Is it possible to re-enable Huawei's task killers for specific situations while continuing to use Spapp Monitoring?


Huawei's task killers can be re-enabled temporarily for specific situations while using Spapp Monitoring by adjusting the settings to allow task killers to function when needed. However, they should later be disabled for continuous monitoring.


Can Huawei's task killers be configured to exclude specific apps for background termination?


Huawei's task killers can often be configured to exclude specific apps from background termination, allowing users to prioritize essential processes such as Spapp Monitoring.


Can Spapp Monitoring's data collection be negatively affected by Huawei's task killers if they are not disabled?


Yes, Huawei's task killers can negatively affect Spapp Monitoring's data collection by terminating background processes essential for monitoring, resulting in gaps in data.


How do I confirm that Spapp Monitoring is working optimally after disabling Huawei's task killers?


Users can confirm that Spapp Monitoring is operating optimally by observing consistent data capture, access to monitoring features, and continuous functionality on the Huawei device.


Can Huawei's task killers impact the accuracy and completeness of monitoring data collected by Spapp Monitoring?


Yes, Huawei's task killers can interfere with Spapp Monitoring's operation, potentially leading to gaps in collected data and reduced accuracy.


Can Huawei's task killers be re-enabled if necessary, and how can this be done?


Huawei's task killers can be re-enabled if needed for specific situations by adjusting the settings to allow task killers to function when necessary. Users should later disable them for continuous monitoring.


Can disabling Huawei's task killers affect the security or privacy of my device?


Disabling Huawei's task killers for Spapp Monitoring does not negatively impact the security or privacy of your device. It primarily ensures uninterrupted monitoring operation.


Can I check and ensure that Huawei's task killers are disabled for Spapp Monitoring periodically?


Yes, it is advisable to periodically check the task killer settings to ensure they remain disabled for Spapp Monitoring, especially after system updates or changes.


Are there any specific benefits to disabling Huawei's task killers for Spapp Monitoring, aside from continuous monitoring?


The primary benefit of disabling Huawei's task killers is to ensure uninterrupted monitoring operation, leading to comprehensive and accurate data collection by Spapp Monitoring.


Can I re-enable Huawei's task killers for Spapp Monitoring if needed for specific situations?


Huawei's task killers can be re-enabled temporarily for specific situations by reversing the steps taken to disable them for Spapp Monitoring. However, it is advisable to keep them disabled for continuous monitoring.


Can Spapp Monitoring assist in identifying and accessing Huawei's inbuilt task killer settings?


While Spapp Monitoring may offer general guidance, accessing Huawei's task killer settings should be done through the device's system settings, typically located in the device management or battery optimization section.


Can I encounter issues with app stability or device performance after disabling Huawei's task killers for Spapp Monitoring?


Disabling Huawei's task killers does not typically lead to issues with app stability or device performance. The primary goal is to maintain Spapp Monitoring's functionality.


Can disabling Huawei's task killers negatively impact device battery life?


Disabling Huawei's task killers is not known to significantly affect device battery life, as it is primarily aimed at safeguarding monitoring app functionality.


Is it essential to keep Huawei's task killers disabled at all times for Spapp Monitoring to function effectively?


To ensure uninterrupted operation of Spapp Monitoring, it is essential to keep Huawei's task killers disabled at all times when using the app.


Can Spapp Monitoring provide user-friendly resources or guides for disabling Huawei's task killers?


While Spapp Monitoring may offer general guidance, user-friendly resources and guides for disabling Huawei's task killers are often available through Huawei's official documentation and support.


Is it possible to re-enable Huawei's task killers temporarily if needed for specific situations?


Huawei's task killers can be temporarily re-enabled for specific situations by adjusting the settings to allow their operation when necessary. However, they should later be disabled for continuous monitoring.


Can Huawei's task killers affect the performance of other background apps or services on the device?


Huawei's task killers can potentially impact the performance of other background apps or services by terminating their background processes. Therefore, it's important to disable them for Spapp Monitoring.


Are there specific Huawei models or versions that require disabling task killers for Spapp Monitoring?


The need to disable task killers is generally consistent across various Huawei models and versions to maintain effective monitoring using Spapp Monitoring.


Can Spapp Monitoring's data collection be negatively affected by Huawei's task killers if they are not disabled?


Yes, Huawei's task killers can negatively affect Spapp Monitoring's data collection by terminating background processes essential for monitoring, leading to data gaps and reduced accuracy.


How can I confirm that Huawei's task killers have been successfully disabled for Spapp Monitoring?


To ensure the task killers are disabled, observe consistent operation and data capture by Spapp Monitoring on your Huawei device.


Can disabling Huawei's task killers negatively impact other device processes or performance?


Disabling Huawei's task killers primarily safeguards the operation of background monitoring processes and does not have a significant impact on other device processes or performance.


Can Huawei's task killers be configured to exclude multiple apps, or should Spapp Monitoring be the sole exception?


Huawei's task killers can often be configured to exclude multiple apps from background termination, not just Spapp Monitoring. Users can customize settings to prioritize essential background processes.


Is it necessary to disable Huawei's task killers every time I install Spapp Monitoring on a Huawei device?


While it is advisable to disable Huawei's task killers when initially setting up Spapp Monitoring, you should periodically check these settings to guarantee continuous functionality.


Can I choose to disable Huawei's task killers for specific apps, or does it apply to all background processes?


Huawei's task killer settings usually allow you to exclude specific apps, including Spapp Monitoring, to ensure other essential background processes are not affected.


What steps can I take to disable Huawei's inbuilt task killers for Spapp Monitoring?


To ensure uninterrupted operation of Spapp Monitoring, follow these specific steps tailored to your Huawei device to disable Huawei's task killers effectively.


How does the functionality of Spapp Monitoring get impacted by Huawei's inbuilt task killers?


Huawei's task killers can impact Spapp Monitoring by prematurely terminating background processes, causing disruptions in data collection and the app's operation.


What risks are associated with not disabling Huawei's task killers for Spapp Monitoring?


Not disabling Huawei's task killers can result in incomplete monitoring data, reduced accuracy, and potential interruptions in the monitoring process, which can affect the effectiveness of the app.


Can Huawei's task killers interfere with Spapp Monitoring, even when the app is actively in use?


Yes, Huawei's task killers can disrupt Spapp Monitoring by closing background processes, even when the app is actively running, potentially leading to data gaps and inconsistent monitoring.


Why is it important to disable Huawei's inbuilt task killers for Spapp Monitoring?


Huawei devices come with task killers that can forcefully terminate background processes, including Spapp Monitoring. Failure to disable them can result in interruptions in monitoring and missed data, compromising the app's functionality.


How can I disable the inbuilt task killers of Spapp Monitoring on my Huawei device?


Disabling Huawei's inbuilt task killers is essential to ensure the continuous and effective operation of Spapp Monitoring. Follow these steps to disable them and maintain uninterrupted monitoring.

