Spapp Monitoring for:



Monitoring your child, the Spapp Monitoring way

Spapp Monitoring is the best Android and IOS app to free your child of phone addiction. Those long unsure nights of constant messaging and social media chatting will be a thing of the past with this parental monitoring software. Controlling your child’s smartphone usage habits is the best way to keep them in check when it comes to their digital life. Phone Tracker App certainly saves the best for last with its easy phone tracking and control solution.

Anytime your child logs on to their phone, the app notifies you of what they are up to in a fast and reliable way. Through this, it’s easy to determine the child’s phone habits and be aware of who they are communicating with and what they are saying. This is especially effective in controlling phone addiction habits as the app allows only a limit of access.

How to get Phone Tracker

In order to make the application active on your phone, all you have to do is:
1) Install the app
After installing, the application starts tracking mobile phone immediately, without any payment or credit card number. Spy App is free to install and test. After installation, the phone tracker starts to work immediately, without any payment or credit card number.

2) Register your account

3) Log into the Phone Tracker website and get activated.
Unlike most common parental applications, Spy App for mobile phone can lock the phone, start an alarm or remote wipe all the data on the tracked mobile phone. In cases whereby your child may be exposed to explicit content, this feature comes in handy.

iPhone tracker, Android tracker- as you see it is easy to use on any type of mobile phone.

An average child who’s addicted to their phone looks at it around 150 times a day thus phone obsession is becoming a growing problem of concern. Cases of internet addiction are certainly on the rise. Phone monitoring offers relief instances where parents have to put restrictions on the amount of time they spent worrying about their kids and what they do on their phones. Since the accessibility of devices is at an unprecedented level and it has caught parents off guard, Phone Monitoring is all about setting reasonable limits.

With the application, monitoring app usage and downloads, pausing apps remotely and setting schedules for school is all under your control. Even though most kids are computer saving, Spy App can also block games and any unauthorized website from your kids’ access. Also, the ability to check their browser history keeps any parent abreast with their child’s internet.

Although the application might be met with some rebellion, it’s equally important to explain to your child the need for phone tracking and that it is all in their best interest.

Spapp Monitoring is the perfect choise for a parental control app. Spapp Monitoring focuses on tracking sms and a lot of social media apps messages, Telegram, Viber, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok, Line, Instagram, Facebook, Whatsapp, just to name a few of them. It has features like Whatsapp hack app, Telegram Spy, Sms spy, Snapchat Spy, Whatsapp Spy app or Instagram spy. Try now for free our Spy App - 3 days free trial. Our APK is fully compatible with about 99.9% of all Android phones, it is an Android spy app.


Does Spapp Monitoring phone tracking offer any additional information regarding contacts made by users during calls/messaging activities?


Yes - In addition to logging incoming/outgoing numbers along with corresponding date/time metadata, we also supply a contact lookup feature which enables retrieving profile pictures and names of respective parties involved in exchanges that took place. This particular function works both for iPhones and Android smartphones connected to the network, allowing you to quickly identify unknown callers with ease.


Can I set alerts for when certain changes occur within my child’s device such as a new app being downloaded or changes made toward existing settings?


Yes - We provide advanced alerting capabilities which let parents receive notifications whenever significant updates take place within monitored phones. These types of events include things like newly installed apps, changed passwords, modified parental controls, and more, so that users remain aware of potential risks associated with them at each moment.


Are there limits on how many devices I can monitor with one account?


No – You may add up to 10 sub-users (children) who are linked under one main monitoring account holder (parent). This makes managing multiple devices at once very efficient and also allows for easy data transfer between accounts if needed.


Does Spapp Monitoring phone tracking allow me to view other applications installed on my child's device?


Yes - You have the ability to monitor all applications installed within the device being tracked and even uninstall any undesired apps from it remotely without having to physically access it if necessary.


Is there an option to limit the number of hours my child can be online while using Spapp Monitoring phone tracking?


Yes – you have the ability to set a specific time window in which your monitored user is allowed access to their device. This way, you can make sure that they are not spending too much time on their phone or tablet even when you’re not around.


If I delete Spapp Monitoring phone tracking from my child's phone, what happens to the data previously logged while it was active?


All tracked results remain securely stored inside the database even after it has been uninstalled. Remote access will continue to be visible, provided it continues to appear under the list of sub-users linked to the main account holder who is logged in. Additionally, alerts set beforehand remain functioning as configured to notify the parent of suspicious behavior deemed inappropriate, regardless of whether the actual installation is present or currently detected anymore.


Do I need to install an additional software program onto my computer to view tracked results coming from my children's phones?


No – All monitored data, including location updates associated with your children, is automatically loaded into your account dashboard accessible both on a desktop browser and mobile device instantaneously. Also, the features included provide visual representations of collected data presented in a format that's easy to read, enabling efficient management of multiple devices at the same time.


Is there an option within the app allowing me to restrict what types of information my monitored user can send outwards from his/her device?


Yes – You are able to customize the type and amount of detail shared publicly outside the source application itself, for example, settings, typed words, allowed characters inputted, photos taken, videos purchased, downloaded while using mobile communication platforms. Moreover, special parental control settings permit defining the range of respective ages categories applicable to relevancy preferences when activating accounts on new online services.


What kind of reports are available for viewing within my dashboard with regards to monitoring activities associated towards my children’s phones?


You have access to extensive reports regarding various aspects related towards smartphone usage made by your children, which include things like the frequency of incoming/outgoing calls, detailed SMS logs (including deleted messages), social media interactions, and more. Furthermore, parental controls allow you to set limits on specific times during the day when certain functions cannot be accessed, such as phone contacts, websites visited, installed apps restricted based on age ratings assigned to them, etc.


Does monitoring affect battery life on my child's device?


No - The app is designed in a way that minimizes its impact on battery consumption while still providing parents with updates regarding activity conducted by their monitored user efficiently without interruption. This also applies to internet usage too since most tracked information is stored locally after being recorded once directly onto our servers, meaning less data needs to be transmitted back and forth over cellular networks, which could potentially contribute towards depleting precious resources over time instead.


Can I view the content of messages sent through applications like WhatsApp if I am using Spapp Monitoring phone tracking?


No - due to security measures implemented by popular messaging services such as WhatsApp, etc., we are unable to provide visibility into actual content exchanged between parties within them even if they are connected to monitored devices. We only provide details regarding contact information related towards those involved, as well as timestamps corresponding towards when each message was sent/received from this platform accordingly.


Does the app record audio from calls and other activities?


No - Spapp does not record audio from calls or conversations taking place on monitored devices, nor does it monitor any actions taken by users within third-party applications used to communicate, such as Skype, Viber, etc. However, we do log all incoming/outgoing call information, including caller’s name and number, along with their duration and time of occurrence, so parents can easily track how much time is being spent talking with whom.


Can I receive notifications when my child enters or leaves certain locations?


Yes – Spapp Monitoring phone tracking provides a geo-fencing feature that allows you to define specific geographical boundaries. When your monitored user enters or exits any of these pre-set areas, you can be notified either via email, push notification, or SMS alert.


What kind of support does Spapp Monitoring phone tracking provide for customers who encounter issues with their account setup/functionality?


Spapp offers 24/7 customer support via live chat and email correspondence should any technical difficulties arise when setting up an account or managing its features and settings afterward. Furthermore, we offer a detailed FAQs section available online, which provides additional help regarding commonly asked questions about our services as well as how-to guides, step-by-step tutorials outlining specific tasks related directly toward individualized circumstances encountered during usage, etc.


Are there any limits on how long data is stored when using Spapp Monitoring phone tracking?


No – All tracked information remains stored within the secure servers indefinitely allowing parents ongoing access into their children’s activities even after they have stopped using the app themselves if desired.


Can I block certain websites or apps from being accessed by my monitored user while using Spapp Monitoring phone tracking?


Yes - You have the ability to block certain websites or applications so that they cannot be used by your monitored user at any time while using this service. Additionally, you can set up alerts so that you will be notified if any such sites or apps are attempted to be accessed regardless of whether they succeed or not in loading content within them.


Can multiple users access a single monitoring account?


Yes – you can add up to 10 sub-users (children) who are all linked to one main monitoring account holder (parent). This allows for efficient management of multiple devices at once without having to purchase separate accounts for each user or manually transfer data between accounts.


How do I know if my child has installed Spapp Monitoring phone tracking?


After downloading the app onto their device, your child will receive a notification alerting them that it has been installed. This notification may include a link to your account dashboard where you can access all activity information.


Does monitoring affect the performance of my child’s device?


No - The app is designed to use minimal system resources so as not to hinder the performance of your child’s device in any way.


What type of devices can Spapp Monitoring phone tracking be used on?


Spapp Monitoring phone tracking is compatible with both Android and iOS devices. It can also be accessed from most browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.


Are there other applications similar to Spapp Monitoring phone tracking I can try out?


Yes, there are a number of monitoring apps available on the market today that offer various features and capabilities. It is important that you research these products thoroughly before making a decision as each one may have different advantages depending on your specific situation.


Does Spapp Monitoring phone tracking require me to root or jailbreak my child's device in order to be able to use the app?


No – you do not need to root (Android) or jailbreak (iOS) your child’s device in order for the app to function properly. The app can be installed directly from either App Store on respective devices without any additional requirements.


Can I view deleted messages sent by my child through applications like WhatsApp if I am monitoring them with Spapp Monitoring phone tracking?


No - unfortunately since these services delete messages shortly after they are sent, we cannot provide access or retrieval of information regarding such communications made through 3rd-party messaging applications like WhatsApp, etc. We only provide visibility into ongoing conversations taking place currently on these platforms provided both parties remain active participants within them throughout their duration.


Does my child need internet access in order for me to receive updates via Spapp Monitoring phone tracking?


No – Internet connection is not required in order for you to see updates from your monitoring account since most of the data is stored locally on your own phone or computer after being recorded by our servers at intervals determined by you as part of your preferences settings within your account dashboard.


Is there an age limit for using Spapp Monitoring phone tracking?


Yes – users must be 18 years old or older in order to download and install this app onto their devices. However, once installed, it can be used to remotely track anyone in contact with the monitored user (i.e., a minor under 18).


Are there any hidden costs associated with using Spapp Monitoring phone tracking?


No, there are no additional fees for using this service beyond those included in your monthly subscription plan. All features are unlocked for each user when signing up for a plan.


Is it safe to use Spapp Monitoring phone tracking?


Yes! The app uses advanced encryption technology to ensure that all data is secure and private. This means that only you have access to your child’s activity information.


How does the app work?


Once installed on the child’s device, the parent can access the dashboard from any browser or mobile device. The dashboard shows all of the tracked activity in real time. Parents can also set up alerts so they will be notified of any suspicious behavior such as visiting websites with inappropriate content or calling unknown numbers.


Spapp Monitoring phone tracking is a phone tracking app that allows parents to monitor their children's activities on their smartphone. It provides real-time location updates, records and logs all incoming/outgoing calls, SMS and MMS messages, monitors social media activities, and more.

