Spapp Monitoring for:



Full guide on Data usage on Android 10 devices

Data usage means how much data your smartphone will download when using the mobile internet. Data usage is done during many tasks performed by your phone such as browsing, social media, e-mail and even GPS. More than this, data usage can be quite big when doing files upload or download and video streaming. In this guide I'll show you how to enable or disable data usage, check usage on apps and/or time periods and of course how to enable or disable Data saver mode on a Google Pixel device with Android 10. For other devices with Android 10 the steps are quite the same with minor changes.

How to enable/disable Data usage on Android 10

In order to enable your device's Data usage open your phone's Settings -> Tap Network & internet -> Mobile network -> Switch On "Mobile data".
You can conserve data by turning off Mobile data access. If you do this, you’ll only be able to use data when you connect to a Wi-Fi network.
You also can set limits and/or warnings for mobile data.

Data usage Settings tips and tricks

1. How to check your mobile data usage for time periods or apps

Go to Settings -> Network & internet -> Mobile network -> Here, first thing you see is the mobile data usage and the limit . You can see it more specific when tapping on "App Data usage". By tapping on the arrow you can change the period.
Also here you can check the mobile data usage on each app and you can switch OFF the mobile data usage when in background for a specific app.

2. How to set a data usage limit

Open your phone's Settings app -> Tap Network & internet -> Tap Mobile network -> Data warning & limit -> Switch ON Set data limit if is not already and confirm your selection -> Now tap on Data limit -> Enter a number. To switch between megabytes (MB) and gigabytes (GB), tap the Down arrow -> Tap Set. You'll get a notification when you reach the limit and your data automatically turns off.
To turn mobile data back on, follow the steps above and turn off Set data limit.

3. How to check your wifi data usage for time period or app

Go to Settings -> Network & internet -> wifi -> wi-fi data usage -> By tapping on the arrow you can change the period. By tapping on a specific app you can check the wifi data usage on different time periods.

How to enable/disable Data saver

Data saver mode is a feature that is shutting down consumption of Mobile data usage when wifi connection is not available. It will shut down background apps as well, such as SPAPP Monitoring - Phone Monitoring.

To enable or disable Data saver go to Settings -> network & internet -> Data saver -> Switch on/off.
Here you have the message that some apps are allowed to use data unrestricted even with data saver on. If you tap on this message you can see the exact apps and enable or disable this feature on other apps as well. This feature is useful when you have mobile internet connection and want to limit your data usage or when you have an upload/download issue related to a specific app. If Data saver is used often then switch ON the unrestricted data usage for the wanted apps. This is very important for apps that need to work in background. For example tracking apps such as SPAPP Monitoring | Phone Tracker are working in background most of the time and if Data usage is limited or Data saver is ON then it will be either blocked or the upload will be done with restrictions. Usually that means files upload will be very slow or not done at all for long time periods. This is why we recommend to add SPAPP Monitoring - Spy App in unrestricted Data usage list. You just need to select it (it is under the name of Backup on the device) and save it.

You can check to restrict or not an app on Data saver only for installed apps.

NOTE: Android is a registered trademark of GOOGLE LLC. For more information on Android 10 you can go to the Android 10 page.


Can Spapp Monitoring be disabled or uninstalled on Android 10 devices if users want to reduce data usage?


Users have the option to disable or uninstall Spapp Monitoring on their Android 10 device if they choose to do so, which can help reduce data consumption.


How can users ensure that Spapp Monitoring does not impact their data usage on Android 10 devices?


Users can review their device's data usage statistics, monitor background data, and manage app settings to ensure that Spapp Monitoring's impact on data usage is minimal.


Can Spapp Monitoring influence app update preferences on the target Android 10 device?


Spapp Monitoring does not have features related to app updates or preferences; its primary function is monitoring specific activities.


Are there any Android 10 device settings to prevent automatic app updates over mobile data to conserve data?


Users can prevent automatic app updates over mobile data by adjusting settings in the "Play Store" app to download updates only over Wi-Fi.


Can Spapp Monitoring control or restrict background data usage for apps on the target Android 10 device?


Spapp Monitoring does not offer features for controlling or restricting background data usage but can provide insights into monitored activities.


How can users ensure that background apps do not excessively consume data on Android 10 devices?


Users can restrict background data usage for specific apps and set data limits to prevent excessive consumption by background processes.


Can Spapp Monitoring predict future data usage on the target Android 10 device?


Spapp Monitoring does not include predictive data usage features; it focuses on monitoring calls, messages, and location.


Is there a built-in feature on Android 10 devices for predicting future data usage?


Android 10 devices may offer predictive data usage features that estimate future data consumption based on current usage patterns.


Can Spapp Monitoring detect and alert users to excessive data usage on the target Android 10 device?


Spapp Monitoring is primarily for monitoring specific activities and does not provide alerts related to data usage.


Can Spapp Monitoring assist users in reducing data usage for specific apps on the target Android 10 device?


Spapp Monitoring is not designed for reducing data usage but can provide insights into activities that may be consuming data.


How can users reduce data usage for specific apps on Android 10 devices?


Users can reduce data usage for specific apps by modifying their settings, restricting background data, or selecting data-saving options within the apps themselves.


Can Spapp Monitoring be considered as a third-party data monitoring app for Android 10 devices?


Spapp Monitoring is not primarily a data monitoring app; it is focused on monitoring call logs, messages, and location for specific purposes.


Are there third-party apps available for tracking and managing data usage on Android 10 devices?


Yes, users can install third-party data monitoring apps from the Google Play Store to track and manage data usage more comprehensively.


Can Spapp Monitoring provide real-time insights into app data consumption on the target Android 10 device?


Spapp Monitoring is primarily designed for monitoring activities and does not offer real-time insights into app data consumption.


How can users identify apps that consume data in real-time on Android 10 devices?


Users can identify data-consuming apps in real-time by going to the "Data Usage" settings and viewing the currently active apps.


Can Spapp Monitoring be used to optimize data usage on the target Android 10 device?


While not its primary function, Spapp Monitoring can indirectly help users identify activities that impact data usage.


How can users manage data usage on Android 10 devices to optimize their mobile data plans?


Users can manage data usage by setting data limits, restricting background data for specific apps, and monitoring their data consumption regularly.


Can Spapp Monitoring provide insights into the user's data usage habits on the target Android 10 device?


Spapp Monitoring primarily focuses on monitoring activities and does not directly provide insights into the user's data usage habits.


What are the typical data usage habits that can be monitored on Android 10 devices?


Data usage habits that can be monitored include app data consumption, streaming, social media usage, and internet browsing.


Can Spapp Monitoring access or monitor data usage for system apps on the target Android 10 device?


Spapp Monitoring primarily focuses on monitoring call logs, messages, and location and does not access or monitor data usage for system apps.


How can users restrict background data usage for system apps on Android 10 devices?


Users can restrict background data usage for system apps by going to the "Data Usage" settings, selecting the app, and toggling off background data.


Can Spapp Monitoring reset data usage statistics on the target Android 10 device?


Spapp Monitoring does not have the capability to reset data usage statistics, as it is focused on monitoring other activities.


Is it possible to reset data usage statistics on Android 10 devices to start tracking from zero?


Users can reset data usage statistics in the "Data Usage" settings to begin tracking data consumption from zero for a specific period.


Can Spapp Monitoring provide data usage warnings or limits on the target Android 10 device?


Spapp Monitoring is primarily for monitoring activities and does not provide data usage warnings or limits.


How can users set up data warnings and limits on Android 10 devices to manage their data consumption?


Users can establish data warnings and limits in the "Data Usage" settings to receive alerts and automatically restrict data usage when limits are reached.


Can Spapp Monitoring help users stay within their data limits on the target Android 10 device?


While not designed for this purpose, Spapp Monitoring can indirectly assist by providing insights into monitored activities that impact data usage.


What are the potential consequences of exceeding data limits on Android 10 devices?


Exceeding data limits may result in additional charges, reduced data speeds, or service interruptions, depending on the user's mobile plan.


Can Spapp Monitoring sync data monitoring with the user's billing cycle on the target Android 10 device?


Spapp Monitoring does not offer synchronization with billing cycles but operates continuously to monitor call logs, messages, and location.


Is it possible to set billing cycles for tracking data usage on Android 10 devices?


Users can set billing cycles in the "Data Usage" settings to align data tracking with their monthly billing cycle.


Can Spapp Monitoring differentiate between Wi-Fi and mobile data usage on the target Android 10 device?


Spapp Monitoring typically focuses on monitoring activities and does not provide specific details on data usage categories.


How can users monitor Wi-Fi data usage separately from mobile data on Android 10 devices?


Users can view Wi-Fi data usage separately from mobile data by accessing the "Data Usage" settings and selecting the "Wi-Fi Data Usage" option.


Can Spapp Monitoring bypass the "Data Saver" feature on Android 10 devices?


Spapp Monitoring operates independently of the "Data Saver" feature and is not affected by it.


What role does the "Data Saver" feature play in controlling data usage on Android 10 devices?


The "Data Saver" feature on Android 10 allows users to restrict background data usage for all apps except those marked as exceptions, conserving data.


Can Spapp Monitoring provide details on data usage for specific apps on the target Android 10 device?


Spapp Monitoring primarily focuses on monitoring activities and does not directly provide details on data usage for specific apps.


Can Spapp Monitoring interfere with data-saving features on Android 10 devices?


Spapp Monitoring is designed to operate alongside other device features and does not typically interfere with data-saving modes.


Are there any data-saving features or modes available on Android 10 devices?


Android 10 devices often include data-saving features or modes that reduce data consumption by apps and background processes.


Can Spapp Monitoring provide insights into specific app usage on the target Android 10 device?


Spapp Monitoring primarily focuses on call logs, messages, and location, so it does not directly provide insights into specific app usage.


How can users view data usage by individual apps on Android 10 devices?


Users can check data usage by individual apps by going to the "Data Usage" settings, where a list of apps and their data consumption is displayed.


Can Spapp Monitoring operate in the background on Android 10 devices?


Spapp Monitoring is designed to run discreetly in the background to collect data on call logs, messages, and location, but it does not significantly impact data usage.


What is the role of background data usage in Android 10 devices?


Background data usage refers to data consumed by apps running in the background. Users can control it in the "Data Usage" settings to save data.


Can Spapp Monitoring be configured to restrict data usage on the target Android 10 device?


Spapp Monitoring does not offer data usage restriction features but can help users monitor activities that may impact data usage.


How can users set data usage limits on Android 10 devices to control their consumption?


Users can set data usage limits in the device settings under "Data Usage" to receive alerts or restrict data usage when a limit is reached.


Are there any privacy concerns related to monitoring data usage on Android 10 devices?


Monitoring data usage on a user's own device is typically not a privacy concern, but using monitoring apps like Spapp Monitoring on others' devices may raise privacy and legal issues.


Can Spapp Monitoring provide insights into data usage on the target device?


Spapp Monitoring primarily focuses on call logs, messages, and location tracking, so it does not directly provide data usage insights.


What are the benefits of tracking data usage on Android 10 devices?


tracking data usage helps users stay within their data plan limits, avoid overage charges, and identify data-hungry apps.


Does Spapp Monitoring impact data usage on Android 10 devices?


Spapp Monitoring, as a phone tracking app, can consume data when transmitting monitored information. However, its impact on data usage is typically minimal.


How can users monitor their data usage on Android 10 devices?


Users can monitor data usage on Android 10 devices by accessing the "Data Usage" settings in the device's system settings menu.

